The Chicken And The Duck

Actually there were two chickens. The first chicken crossed the road because he thought it was there to be crossed. The second chicken followed the first chicken, because the first chicken liked to be followed.

Then when both the chickens got to the other side of the road, the other side of the road was a mirror imagine of this side of the road and offered nothing of value.

However the first chicken (set in his old ways) continued going forward and fell into a shallow ditch. The second chicken turned around and realized that the road had become a flowing river and also realized that he was a duck.

So the duck jumped into the river and went with the rivers flow. Then as the duck flowed with the river, other ducks jumped into the river and they all ended up in a huge lake filled with an abundance of water.

Then all the ducks quacked, and quacked and splashed and splashed and the lake was filled with joy.

Then the second chicken who realized that he was a duck wondered where the first chicken was, and then all the ducks prayed and prayed and the first chicken climbed out of the shallow hole, jumped into the river and ended up in the huge lake and all the duckies lived happily everafter.

The moral of the story is, that sometimes it takes a duck to show the chicken the way.

Quack, Quack!

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